Premium Lenses

Office Hours Update: CECA will be closing at 1:00 PM on Tuesday, February 11.
We will open at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, February 12.

Please click here for more details.


There are two separate payments for premium lenses. The fees for additional services such as measurements, calculations, markings, fitting and lens insertion are payable to CECA. The fee for the actual lens is payable to Stony Point Surgery Center. Please refer to the form indicating the costs payable to CECA and to SPSC. The amounts owed to SPSC will be payable the day of the procedure.

Please be aware that Medicare and other insurance companies consider these lenses and related services "optional" and will not cover these additional costs. This is a decision made by you, based on your lifestyle and your personal preference. If you have any questions, please call our office to discuss your options.

We do not offer a payment plan for services related to Premium Lenses. Payment in full is required 2 weeks prior to surgery. Please refer to the "Important Financial Information" or "Financing Your Services" section of the website for payment options. 

Please note: The fee for your premium lens services and lenses are separate from the charges for your cataract surgery. 

If you are having surgery at Medarva at Stony Point Surgery Center, you should be aware that SPSC is a joint venture between Richmond Eye and Ear Healthcare Alliance, Inc. and many of the physicians who practice at SPSC, including Dr. Michael, Dr. Iuorno, and Dr. Flowers. Though their ownership is a small percentage, it affords us at Commonwealth Eye Care Associates direct input into the quality of care that you, our patient, receive for your surgery.